1. Title: Total quality management implementation for small and medium enterprise: strategic for competitiveness
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Malaysia.
Year: 2009.
2. Title: Software product liability: Strictly liability vs. Negligence
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Malaysia.
Year: 2008.
3. Title: Computer; Problems and Solutions
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Malaysia.
Year: 2008.
4. Title: ICT in Malaysia: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Malaysia.
Year: 2008.
1. The impact of instructional media on the education of youths on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria urban communities
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Education in Research
Year: 2009
Publisher: Oloify Consultant Company
2. Customer satisfaction: a study of mobile banking adoption in banking sector of Pakistan
Journal: Journal of Management and Management Information System
Year: 2009
Publisher: Scientific Journals International
3. Going for an evening paddle in a kayak and deciding to a history doctorate
Journal: International Journal of Doctorial Studies
Year: 2009
Publisher: Informing Science Institute
4. Genderization issues in software development life cycle
Journal: Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
Year: 2009
Publisher: Informing Science Institute
5. Aplikasi GIS dalam pemetaan tematik berdigit: kajian awalan di UiTM Pahang
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
6. A framework for design of automated lecture timetabling
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
7. Potensi makmal dan bidang bioteknologi tumbuhan dalam menjana pembelajaran, penyelidikan dan kerjasama pintar merentasi bidang
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
8. Coagulative (PAC) for iron removal in ferruginious water
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
9. Integrated approach: moving towards innovative teaching
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
10. Moving towards critical thinking in classroom
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
11. Sistem sukatan berat dalam budaya melayu minangkabau: suatu penemuan awal
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
12. Tahap dan keperluan kompetensi dalam bidang penyelidikan dan penulisan di kalangan pensyarah
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
13. Peranan UiTM Pahang dalam menjayakan matlamat university penyelidikan (Research University) menjelang 2020
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
14. Penilaian pelajar terhadap pensyarah melalui aplikasi e-LEVA
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
15. Green technology system for UiTM Pahang farm application
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
16. Title: Tahap keberkesanan penggunaan system e-ADUAN di UiTM Pahang
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
17. Title: Synthesis and characterization of new unsaturated polyesters for composite applications
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
18. Title: The influence of value added dimension of service quality on loyalty intention in the Thailand telecommunication industry
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM
19. Relationship quality (RQ) and its antecedents: A view point
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM
20. Using internal marketing practices in implementing firm strategic orientation
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM
21. Evaluating role of marketing capabilities and export success: An investigation of Thai agro-based SMEs
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM
22. The relationship of core service employee., servicecape and brand equity with customer experience marketing in department store
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM
23. Young Malaysian’s chocolate usage level and their brand familiarity
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM
24. Internal service quality: what and where it is going?
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM
25. The impact of proficiency of new product development process and new product speed the moderating effect of supplier involvement
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM
26. Title: Customer satisfaction: a study of mobile adoption in banking sector of Pakistan
Journal: Journal of Management and Management Information System
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM
27. Title: Waqf accounting in the Malaysian state Islamic religious institution: the case of Federal Territory SIRC
Journal: Jurnal Gading.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: UPENA, Malaysia
28. Title: Web-based two-tier diagnostic test and remedial learning experiment
Journal: Journal of Distance Education Technologies (Scopus), USA
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing, USA
29. Title: Evaluation and analysis on the relation between the configurations of computer major course and graduation employment rate.
Journal: Journal of Distance Education Technologies (Scopus), USA.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing, USA
30. Title: Realizing Large Virtual Web based Collaborative E-Commerce with B2X Platform
Journal: Information Technology Journal (Scopus), Pakistan.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Science Alert
31. Title: Malaysian New ICT Policy: Regulatory Reform and the New Mode of Governance
Journal: Journal of Administrative Sciences, Malaysia
Year: 2009.
Publisher: UPENA, Malaysia
32. Title: Trend of E-learning: the service mashup.
Journal: Journal of Distance Education Technologies (Scopus), USA.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing, USA
33. Title: Employees’ habits: a proprietor panacea.
Journal: COMPASS, Malaysia.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: UiTM Pahang
34. Title: Sharpe performance measurement: performance differences between bidders that acquire listed targets and non-listed targets in Bursa Malaysia.
Journal: Jurnal Gading, Malaysia.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: UPENA, Malaysia
35. Title: Usability issues in mobile-wireless systems.
Conference: Informing Science and Information Technology Education Joint Conference (INSITE), USA
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Informing Science Institute
36. Title: Agent-based advert placement system for broadcasting stations
Conference: Informing Science and Information Technology Education Joint Conference (INSITE), USA
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Informing Science Institute
37. Title: The information society development strategy on a regional level
Conference: Informing Science and Information Technology Education Joint Conference (INSITE), USA
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Informing Science Institute
38. Title: Towards accomplishing the goal of the world of work through social studies instruction: possibilities and challenges.
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Education.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: Oloify Consulting Company
39. Title: Concept-guided query expansion for knowledge management with semi-automatic knowledge capturing.
Journal: Journal of Computer Information Systems (Thomson Reuters ISI/Scopus), USA.
Year: 2009
Publisher: International Association of Computer Information Systems, USA
40. Title: A SOM-FBPN-ensemble approach for estimating job remaining cycle time.
Journal: Journal of Computer Information Systems (Thomson Reuters ISI/Scopus), USA.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: International Association of Computer Information Systems, USA
41. Title: The impact of demographic factors on saving mobilisation in Nigeria (1980-2004)
Conference: 3rd International Online Conference of Business and Management, UK.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Universal Publishers, USA
42. Title: A framework to analyse international expansion in mobile telephony.
Conference: 3rd International Online Conference of Business and Management, UK.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Universal Publishers, USA
43. Title: Developing a doctorial research methodology.
Journal: International Journal of Doctorial Studies, USA.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: Informing Science Institute, USA
44. Title: Resource input as a correlate of sustainable development in Nigerian universities
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, Nigeria.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: Oloify Consultancy Company
45. 5 articles for Proceedings of Conference of Scientific and Social Research (CSSR) 2009
46. Airlines Industry in Australia and New Zealand: A Comparative Analysis on Quantas and Air New Zealand
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
47. The Challenges of Women Empowerment and Doing Business: A Case of Women Entrepreneurs in Africa Continent
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
48. Mapping Out a Case of Authors' Duties to Shareholders
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
49. Eco Industrial Bakun Park to Eco Tourism Park: Lesson Learn from Intercontinental Park Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
50. Hypothesing Factors and Consequences of "Sport Even" Experiential Value (SEEV): Empirical Evidence from Formula 1 Petronas Malaysian Grand Prix
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
51. Effects of Local Market and Information Technology Infrastructure on Multinational Cooperation in Emerging of Brazil, China and India: Evidence from USA,
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
52. The Valuation of Money-Back Guarantees in Retailing Markets: A Real Option Approach Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
53. Corporate Sector's Bankruptcy Forecasting Through Financial Scoring
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
54. Analysis and Classification of Fraud Industry e-Clusters
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
55. A Study on Changing Paradigms in the Laundry Sector Management- An SME Perspective Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
56. The Relationship Between Leisure Activity Involvement and Place Attachment in Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Park-Experience as a Moderator
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
57. The Empirical Study of the Relation Between Mentoring Program, Gender Differences and Individuals Career
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
58. Entry Mode Strategies of Malaysian Service Firms: A Resource-Based Approach,
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
59. Turnover of the Economic Culture of Small and Medium Enterprise in the Current Crisis
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM
60. Higher Degree Research Students at an Australian Faculty of Sciences: Potential Predictors of Timely Completion,
Journal: International Journal of Doctorial Studies
Year: 2009
Publisher: Informing Science Institute
61. Rethinking the Linguistic Dimension of the Global Digital Divide
Journal: Journal of Distance Education Technologies (Scopus), USA
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing, USA
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