Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud
Management Information Systems Specialist
PhD (Management Information Systems) (MMU)
M. Management (IIUM)
B.Sc. Business Administration (USA)
Cert. Advanced Statistics (MMU)
Cert. Problems Form. and Problems Formu. (MMU)

Editor in Chief, Journal of Transport and Logistics
Editor in Chief, Business and Management Quarterly Review


Faculty of Business Management
Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor
Tel: 603-5544 2000
Fax: 603-5544 2767

Research Interests

Management information systems
Management of technology and innovation
Library and information sciences
Waqaf management
Portfolio management
Educational management
Human resource management
Maritime industry
Strategic management

Saturday, December 27, 2008


1. Title: Total quality management implementation for small and medium enterprise: strategic for competitiveness
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Malaysia.
Year: 2009.

2. Title: Software product liability: Strictly liability vs. Negligence
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Malaysia.
Year: 2008.

3. Title: Computer; Problems and Solutions
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Malaysia.
Year: 2008.

4. Title: ICT in Malaysia: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Malaysia.
Year: 2008.


1. The impact of instructional media on the education of youths on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria urban communities
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Education in Research
Year: 2009
Publisher: Oloify Consultant Company

2. Customer satisfaction: a study of mobile banking adoption in banking sector of Pakistan
Journal: Journal of Management and Management Information System
Year: 2009
Publisher: Scientific Journals International

3. Going for an evening paddle in a kayak and deciding to a history doctorate
Journal: International Journal of Doctorial Studies
Year: 2009
Publisher: Informing Science Institute

4. Genderization issues in software development life cycle
Journal: Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
Year: 2009
Publisher: Informing Science Institute

5. Aplikasi GIS dalam pemetaan tematik berdigit: kajian awalan di UiTM Pahang
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

6. A framework for design of automated lecture timetabling
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

7. Potensi makmal dan bidang bioteknologi tumbuhan dalam menjana pembelajaran, penyelidikan dan kerjasama pintar merentasi bidang
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

8. Coagulative (PAC) for iron removal in ferruginious water
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

9. Integrated approach: moving towards innovative teaching
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

10. Moving towards critical thinking in classroom
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

11. Sistem sukatan berat dalam budaya melayu minangkabau: suatu penemuan awal
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

12. Tahap dan keperluan kompetensi dalam bidang penyelidikan dan penulisan di kalangan pensyarah
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

13. Peranan UiTM Pahang dalam menjayakan matlamat university penyelidikan (Research University) menjelang 2020
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

14. Penilaian pelajar terhadap pensyarah melalui aplikasi e-LEVA
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

15. Green technology system for UiTM Pahang farm application
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

16. Title: Tahap keberkesanan penggunaan system e-ADUAN di UiTM Pahang
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

17. Title: Synthesis and characterization of new unsaturated polyesters for composite applications
Conference: KONAKA 2009, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang
Year: 2009
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

18. Title: The influence of value added dimension of service quality on loyalty intention in the Thailand telecommunication industry
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM

19. Relationship quality (RQ) and its antecedents: A view point
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM

20. Using internal marketing practices in implementing firm strategic orientation
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM

21. Evaluating role of marketing capabilities and export success: An investigation of Thai agro-based SMEs
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM

22. The relationship of core service employee., servicecape and brand equity with customer experience marketing in department store
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM

23. Young Malaysian’s chocolate usage level and their brand familiarity
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM

24. Internal service quality: what and where it is going?
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM

25. The impact of proficiency of new product development process and new product speed the moderating effect of supplier involvement
Course: Postgraduate Student Journal Writing Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM

26. Title: Customer satisfaction: a study of mobile adoption in banking sector of Pakistan
Journal: Journal of Management and Management Information System
Year: 2009
Publisher: USM

27. Title: Waqf accounting in the Malaysian state Islamic religious institution: the case of Federal Territory SIRC
Journal: Jurnal Gading.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: UPENA, Malaysia

28. Title: Web-based two-tier diagnostic test and remedial learning experiment
Journal: Journal of Distance Education Technologies (Scopus), USA
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing, USA

29. Title: Evaluation and analysis on the relation between the configurations of computer major course and graduation employment rate.
Journal: Journal of Distance Education Technologies (Scopus), USA.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing, USA

30. Title: Realizing Large Virtual Web based Collaborative E-Commerce with B2X Platform
Journal: Information Technology Journal (Scopus), Pakistan.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Science Alert

31. Title: Malaysian New ICT Policy: Regulatory Reform and the New Mode of Governance
Journal: Journal of Administrative Sciences, Malaysia
Year: 2009.
Publisher: UPENA, Malaysia

32. Title: Trend of E-learning: the service mashup.
Journal: Journal of Distance Education Technologies (Scopus), USA.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing, USA

33. Title: Employees’ habits: a proprietor panacea.
Journal: COMPASS, Malaysia.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: UiTM Pahang

34. Title: Sharpe performance measurement: performance differences between bidders that acquire listed targets and non-listed targets in Bursa Malaysia.
Journal: Jurnal Gading, Malaysia.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: UPENA, Malaysia

35. Title: Usability issues in mobile-wireless systems.
Conference: Informing Science and Information Technology Education Joint Conference (INSITE), USA
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Informing Science Institute

36. Title: Agent-based advert placement system for broadcasting stations
Conference: Informing Science and Information Technology Education Joint Conference (INSITE), USA
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Informing Science Institute

37. Title: The information society development strategy on a regional level
Conference: Informing Science and Information Technology Education Joint Conference (INSITE), USA
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Informing Science Institute

38. Title: Towards accomplishing the goal of the world of work through social studies instruction: possibilities and challenges.
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Education.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: Oloify Consulting Company

39. Title: Concept-guided query expansion for knowledge management with semi-automatic knowledge capturing.
Journal: Journal of Computer Information Systems (Thomson Reuters ISI/Scopus), USA.
Year: 2009
Publisher: International Association of Computer Information Systems, USA

40. Title: A SOM-FBPN-ensemble approach for estimating job remaining cycle time.
Journal: Journal of Computer Information Systems (Thomson Reuters ISI/Scopus), USA.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: International Association of Computer Information Systems, USA

41. Title: The impact of demographic factors on saving mobilisation in Nigeria (1980-2004)
Conference: 3rd International Online Conference of Business and Management, UK.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Universal Publishers, USA

42. Title: A framework to analyse international expansion in mobile telephony.
Conference: 3rd International Online Conference of Business and Management, UK.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Universal Publishers, USA

43. Title: Developing a doctorial research methodology.
Journal: International Journal of Doctorial Studies, USA.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: Informing Science Institute, USA

44. Title: Resource input as a correlate of sustainable development in Nigerian universities
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, Nigeria.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: Oloify Consultancy Company

45. 5 articles for Proceedings of Conference of Scientific and Social Research (CSSR) 2009

46. Airlines Industry in Australia and New Zealand: A Comparative Analysis on Quantas and Air New Zealand
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

47. The Challenges of Women Empowerment and Doing Business: A Case of Women Entrepreneurs in Africa Continent
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

48. Mapping Out a Case of Authors' Duties to Shareholders
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

49. Eco Industrial Bakun Park to Eco Tourism Park: Lesson Learn from Intercontinental Park Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

50. Hypothesing Factors and Consequences of "Sport Even" Experiential Value (SEEV): Empirical Evidence from Formula 1 Petronas Malaysian Grand Prix
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

51. Effects of Local Market and Information Technology Infrastructure on Multinational Cooperation in Emerging of Brazil, China and India: Evidence from USA,
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

52. The Valuation of Money-Back Guarantees in Retailing Markets: A Real Option Approach Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

53. Corporate Sector's Bankruptcy Forecasting Through Financial Scoring
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

54. Analysis and Classification of Fraud Industry e-Clusters
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

55. A Study on Changing Paradigms in the Laundry Sector Management- An SME Perspective Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

56. The Relationship Between Leisure Activity Involvement and Place Attachment in Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Park-Experience as a Moderator
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

57. The Empirical Study of the Relation Between Mentoring Program, Gender Differences and Individuals Career
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

58. Entry Mode Strategies of Malaysian Service Firms: A Resource-Based Approach,
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

59. Turnover of the Economic Culture of Small and Medium Enterprise in the Current Crisis
Conference: 1st Global Business Summit Conference
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Global Strategic Management, USA and UiTM

60. Higher Degree Research Students at an Australian Faculty of Sciences: Potential Predictors of Timely Completion,
Journal: International Journal of Doctorial Studies
Year: 2009
Publisher: Informing Science Institute

61. Rethinking the Linguistic Dimension of the Global Digital Divide
Journal: Journal of Distance Education Technologies (Scopus), USA
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing, USA

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