Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud
Management Information Systems Specialist
PhD (Management Information Systems) (MMU)
M. Management (IIUM)
B.Sc. Business Administration (USA)
Cert. Advanced Statistics (MMU)
Cert. Problems Form. and Problems Formu. (MMU)

Editor in Chief, Journal of Transport and Logistics
Editor in Chief, Business and Management Quarterly Review


Faculty of Business Management
Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor
Tel: 603-5544 2000
Fax: 603-5544 2767

Research Interests

Management information systems
Management of technology and innovation
Library and information sciences
Waqaf management
Portfolio management
Educational management
Human resource management
Maritime industry
Strategic management

Monday, February 9, 2009


No. of Refereed Publication: 46
1. Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Chong Siong Choy, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed & Professor Dr Binshan Lin.
Title: The indirect effects of intranet functionalities on middle manager’s performance
Journal: Kybernetes: The International Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Sciences, 39, forthcoming
Impact Factor: 0.235
Year: 2010
Publisher: Emerald, United Kingdom
Abstracting and Indexing: Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Premier, BIOSIS Previews, Computer Science Index, Computers & Applied Sciences Complete, Current Abstracts, Emerald Abstracts-Computer Abstracts International Database, IET Research Journals, INSPEC, ISI Alerting Services, ISI COMPUMATH Citation Index, ISI Current Contents: engineering, Computing and Technology, ISI SciSearch: Science Citation Index Expanded, Mathematical Reviews, Scopus, Zentralblatt MATH.

2. Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed Mohamed, Dr Chong Siong Choy, & Professor Dr Binshan Lin.
Title: Explaining intranet usage with extended technology fit model: an empirical study at Malaysia’s maritime industry
Journal: Journal of Transport and Logistics, 1(1), forthcoming
Year: 2010
Publisher: UPENA

3. Zainuddin Zakaria, Azemi Che Hamid, Zokree Abdul Karim & Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud
Title: Expectations and Perceptions of Tourists on the Service Quality in Malaysian Tourism Industry
Journal: Global Business and Management Research, 1(3&4), 69-83
Year: 2009
Publisher: USA
Abstracting and Indexing: EBSCO, Gale, GetCited, Google Scholars, IndexCorpernicus Journal Master List, Standard Periodical Directtory, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory

4. Associate Professor Dr Rosidah Musa, Professor Dr Hajah Faridah Haji Hassan, Jamaliah Mohd Saad & Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud
Title: Examining market accessibility of Malaysian’s Harumanis Mango in Japan: Challenges and Potentials
Journal: Business Strategy Series, 11(1), 3-12.
Year: 2010
Publisher: Emerald, United Kingdom
Abstracting and Indexing: OCLC’s Electronic Collections Online, Inspec
Harzing’s Publish Index: 6

5. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Chong Siong Choy, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed & Dr Murali Raman
Title: The impact of Intranet on managers and their work: An empirical study in the Malaysian port industry
Journal: Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship, 14(1), 83-100
Year: 2009
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Malaysia
Harzing’s Publish Index: 3

6. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Chong Siong Choy, Dr Murali Raman, & Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed.
Title: Towards a Holistic Model in Investigating the Effects of Intranet Usage on Managerial Performance: A Study on Malaysian Port Industry.
Journal: Maritime Policy and Management: An International Journal of Shipping and Port Research, 36(3), 269-289.
Publisher: Taylor and Francis, USA.
Year: 2009
Subject Category: Oceanography
Ranking: 43/79
SJR: 0,040
Abstracting and Indexing: CSA (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management; ASFA-1: Biological Science and Living Resources; ASFA-2: Ocean Technology, Policy and Non-Living Resources; ASFA-3: Aquatic Pollution and Environmental Quality; Oceanic Abstracts; Recent References; Pollution Abstracts; Engineering Materials Abstracts; Composites Industry Abstracts; Mechanical and Transportation; Engineering Abstracts; Aluminium Industry Abstracts; Copper Data Abstracts; Corrosion Abstracts; Metadex; Advanced Polymers Abstracts; Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts; Human Population & Natural Resource Management; Ceramic Abstracts; Computer and Information Systems Abstracts; Corrosion Abstracts; Earthquake Engineering Abstracts; Electronics and Communications Abstracts; Engineered Materials Abstracts; International Aerospace Abstracts; International Civil Engineering Abstracts; Materials Business File; Solid State and Superconductivity Abstracts; World Ceramics Abstracts); EBSCO (Academic Search Premier, Business Source Corporate, Business Source Premier, Environmental Policy Index, TOC Premier), Econlit; GEOBASE; OCLC; Scopus; Swets Information Services; TRIS; and ThomsonGale.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 26

7. Rafidah, Kamarudin., Azizah, Aris, Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi, M.D., Dr Chong, Siong Choy, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, & Noraini Ibrahim
Title: Stress and Academic Performance: Empirical Evidence from University Students
Journal: Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 13(1), 37-51.
Year: 2009
Publisher: Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal
Harzing’s Publish Index: 4

8. Zainuddin Zakaria, Arman Ahmad & Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud
Title: Determining world class university from the evaluation of service quality and students satisfaction level: an empirical study in Malaysia
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, 2(2), 59-66.
Year: 2009
Publisher: Oloify Consulting Company Research

9. Hisham Md. Basir & Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud
Title: Strategic alignment of strategies information system planning (SISP) success: an exploratory study in public universities in Malaysia
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, 2(2), 76-87.
Year: 2009
Publisher: Oloify Consulting Company Research

10. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Chong Siong Choy, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, & Rafidah Kamaruddin.
Title: A study of intranet usage and resistance in Malaysia's port industry.
Journal: Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(1), 37-47.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: International Association for Computer Information Systems, USA.
Subject Category: Information Systems
Ranking: 33/121 (2007) SCOPUS; SJR Quartile 3
SJR: 0,046
Abstracting and Indexing: Business Source Premier, ABI Inform, Scopus, Master list of Scientific (ISI)
Thomson Reuters ISI Impact factor: 0.725Harzing’s Publish Index: 27

11. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud & Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed.
Title: Intranet and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Usage in Malaysia Port Industry.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Selangor, Malaysia.
ISBN: 978-957-305-069-7.

12. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Chong Siong Choy, Dr Murali Raman, & Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed.
Title: Intranet usage and managers' performance in the port industry.
Journal: Industrial Management & Data Systems, 107(8), 1227-1250
Year: 2007.
Publisher: Emerald, United Kingdom.
Subject Category: Management Information Systems
Ranking: 3/34 (2007) SCOPUS; SJR Quartile 1
SJR: 0,071.
Abstracting and Indexing: Emerald, Management Reviews, Abstracts in New Technologies and Engineering, Academic Abstracts/CD-ROM, Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management & Marketing, Computer Literature Index, Educational Technology Abstract, INSPEC Database, Information Management & Technology Abstracts, Research Alert, Science Abstracts, SCISEARCH, Trade and Industry Index, Scopus.
Thomson Reuters ISI Impact Factor: 2.200Harzing’s Publish Index: 36
Publisher: Oloify Consulting Company Research

13. Associate Professor Dr Zuriah Abdul Rahman & Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud
Title: Adverse selection and its consequences on medical and health insurance and takaful in Malaysia
Journal: Humanomics, 27(1), forthcoming
Year: 2011
Publisher: Emerald, United Kingdom.
Abstracting and Indexing: Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities – Economics and Finance, EconLit, Journal of Economic Literature CDROM, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature (APEL), RePEc: Research Papers in Economics
Harzing’s Publish Index: 4

14. Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Professor Dr Normah Omar, & Dr Govindan Marthandan
Title: Assessing drivers of web technology investment in Malaysia service industry: an application of technological, organisational and environmental (TOE) model
Proceedings: International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology (ICIMT 2009), South Korea.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)
Abstracting and Indexing: IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex and ISI Thomson

15. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud & Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed
Title: Evaluating Technology Resistance and Technology Satisfaction on students’ Performance
Journal: Campus-Wide Information Systems, 26(4), 298-312
Year: 2009
Publisher: Emerald, UK.
Subject Category: Management Information Systems
Ranking: 22/46 (2008) SCOPUS; SJR Quartile 1
SJR: 0,037
Abstracting and Indexing: A+ Education, Academic Search Alumni, Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Premier, Australian Education Index, Computer & Applied Sciences Complete, Current Awareness Abstract, Emerald Management Review, ERIC, The Informed Librarian, Information Management and Technology Abstract, INSPEC, OCLC and Publishing Academic Journals in Education, Scopus.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 12

16. Rozita Haji Naina Mohamed & Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud
Title: The impact of cultural uncertainty on brand trust: an empirical study of fast food industry in Malaysia
Proceedings: International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Doctorial Research.
Year: 2009
Date: 25 October 2009.
Organiser: Universiti Teknologi MARA.

17. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud & Dr Intan Salwani
Title: International Award Winning Research Products Universiti Teknologi MARA, Volume 1
Year: 2009
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA)
ISBN: 978-967-305-276-9

18. Rafidah Kamaruddin, Azizah Aris, Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, Dr Chong Siong Choy, & Rohani Ibrahim.
Title: The Impact of Perceived Stress and Stress Factors on Academic Performance of Pre-Science Students: Empirical Evidence from the Malaysian University.
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, 2(1), 13-26.
Year: 2009
Publisher: Oloify Consulting Company Research.

19. Authors: Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud & Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed
Title: Measuring technology resistance and user satisfaction using an extended task-technology fit model.
Proceedings: European Applied Business Research Conference (EABR)
Date: 8-11 June 2009
Venue: Prague, Czech Republic
Organiser: Clute Institute of Academic Research, USA.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 3

20. Authors: Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, Associate Professor Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Professor Normah Omar & Dr G. Marthandan
Title: Factors determining e-commerce usage and value creations in Malaysia service industry
Date: 8-11 June 2009
Venue: Prague, Czech Republic
Organiser: Clute Institute of Academic Research, USA.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 3

21. Authors: Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Chong Siong Choy & Prof. Dr Binshan Lin.
Title: Factor determining organisational commitment on security controls in accounting-based information systems.
Journal: International Journal of Services and Standards, 5(1), 51-66.
Publisher: Inderscience, Switzerland.
Year: 2009.
Subject Category: Management of Technology and Innovation
Ranking: 23/174 (2008) SCOPUS; SJR Quartile 1
SJR: 0,045
Abstracting and Indexing: Business ASAP International, Google Scholar, Materials Business File, Pascal, Scirus, ScopusHarzing’s Publish Index: 10

22. Authors: Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Jaafar Mohamad & Zulkifli Mohamed.
Title: Study Guide to Portfolio Management (2nd Edition).
Year: 2009.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Selangor, Malaysia.
ISBN: 978-967-305-451-0

23. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Intan Salwan Mohamed, Norashikin Hussein, Zarina Denan, Dr Mohd Bahrin Othman & Dr Zatul Karamah.
Title: Selection of Research Papers in Social Sciences and Management, Volume 2.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Selangor, Malaysia.
Year: 2009.

24. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed & Fahmi Abdul Rahim
Title: Award Winning Research Social Sciences and Management Papers.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Selangor, Malaysia.
ISBN: 978-967-305-126-7

25. Noorashikin Hussein, Associate Prof. Dr Noormala Amir Ishak, Prof. Dr Fauziah Nordin, Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, & Dr Chong Siong Choy.
Title: The effect of human resource practices in building learning organizations: Evidence from Malaysian manufacturing firms.
Journal: International Journal of Innovation & Learning, 6(3), 259-274.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Inderscience, Switzerland.
Subject Category: Management of Technology and Innovation.
Ranking: 26/174 (2009) SCOPUS; SJR Quartile 1
SJR: 0,049
Abstracting and Indexing: Association of Business Schools Academic Journal Quality Guide 2008, Aston Business School list 2006, British Education Index, Educational Research Abstracts, Geobase, Google Scholar, Library and Information Science Abstract (LISA), Pascal, Scirus, Scopus.Harzing’s Publish Index: 19

26. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Chong Siong Choy, & Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed.
Title: Intranet Usage, User Satisfaction and Managerial Performance: A Cause and Effect Investigation.
Journal: International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 3(3), 481-496.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Inderscience, Switzerland.
Abstracting and Indexing: Business ASAP International, Computer and Information Systems, Computer Database, Electronic & Communications Abstracts, Google Scholar, Scirus.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 2

27. Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, Dr Marthandan G, Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, & Dr Chong Siong Choy.
Title: E-commerce usage and business performance in the Malaysian Tourism Sector.
Journal: Information Management and Computer Security, 17(2), 166-185.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: Emerald, United Kingdom.
Subject Category: Software
Ranking: 48/90 (2007) SCOPUS; SJR Quartile 3
SJR: 0,039.
Abstracting and Indexing: Emerald Management Reviews, BUBL Information Service, Information Science Abstracts, INSPEC, LISA, Research trends in Computer & Data Security, Computer Literature Index, Fulltext Sources Online, zetoc (British Library), Scopus.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 24

28. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, Associate Prof. Dr Zuriah Abdul Rahman, Associate Prof. Yon Bahiyah, Oswald Timothy Edward, Associate Prof. Dr Abdol Samad Nawi & Prof. Dr Faridah Hassan.
Title: Issues in Business and Management: The Malaysian Experiences.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Selangor, Malaysia

29. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Zulkifli Mohamed, Basaruddin Shah Basri, Associate Prof. Dr Muhamad Hashim Mohd Kamil, Associate Prof. Dr Noormala Amir Ishak, & Associate Prof. Dr Rodzyah Yunus.
Title: Selection of Best Papers Award.
Year: 2009.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Selangor, Malaysia.

30. Zulkifli Mohamed, Basaruddin Shah Basri, Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, & Dr Chong Siong Choy.
Title: Portfolio diversification: The role of information technologies in future investment decision making.
Journal: International Journal of Electronic Finance, 2(4), 451-468.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: Inderscience, Switzerland.
Abstracting and Indexing: ACM Guide to Computing Literature, Business ASAP International, Computer and Information Systems, Google Scholar, Inspec, RePEc, Risk Abstracts, Scirus. Harzing’s Publish Index: 9
*Cited by:

· Kanniainen, J, Piche, R & Mikkonen, T. (2009). Use of distributed computing in derivative pricing, International Journal of Electronic Finance, 3(3), pp. 270-283.
· Kitchens, FL. (2009). Financial implications of artificial neural networks in automobile insurance underwriting, International Journal of Electronic Finance, 3(3), pp. 311-319.
· Hsu, S., Ko, PS., Wu, CC., & Cheng, SR. (2009). Hedging with derivatives by Taiwanese listed non-financial companies, International Journal of Electronic Finance, 3(3), 211-234.
· Pradhan, L., Mohapatra, BB., Dehuri, S., & Abhaya, KP. (2009). The enhancement of the e-readiness ranking of a nation by solving the multiple campaign assignment problem using differential evolution, International Journal of Electronic Finance, 3(1), 77-95.

31. Associate Prof. Dr Ahmad Zaki Abdul Latiff, Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, & Associate Prof Che Zuina Ismail
Title: Pengurusan harta wakaf dan potensinya kea rah kemajuan pendidikan Islam di Malaysia
Journal: Jurnal Pengurusan Jawhar, 2(2), 25-62.
Year: 2008
Publisher: Jabatan Wakaf, Zakat dan Haji, Jabatan Perdana Menteri

32. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud & Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed.
Title: Information Technology Management Models: An Introduction.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Selangor, Malaysia.
ISBN: 978-983-3644-28-7.

33. Associate Prof. Dr Ahmad Zaki Abdul Latiff, Associate Prof. Abdul Halim Ramli, Che Zuina Ismail, Kamarulzaman Sulaiman & Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud.
Title: Wakaf Pengurusan dan Sumbangannya Terhadap Pendidikan Islam di Malaysia (Management of Waqaf Education in Malaysia).
Year: 2008.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Selangor, Malaysia.
ISBN: 978-967-305-086-4.

34. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Zarina Denan, Dr Mohd Bahrin Othman, Oswald Timothy Edward, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, Hairulnizam Hashim & Fahmi Abdul Rahim.
Title: Selection of Research Papers in Social Sciences and Management.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Selangor, Malaysia.
ISBN: 978-967-305-070-3.

35. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Chong Siong Choy & Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed.
Title: Perceived resistance, user resistance, and manager's performance.
Journal: Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 60(3), 242-264.
Year: 2008.
Publisher: Emerald, United Kingdom.
Subject Category: Library and Information Sciences
Ranking: 37/116 (2008) SCOPUS; SJR Quartile 2
SJR: 0,044
Abstracting and Indexing: CompuMath Citation Index, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Social and Behavioural Sciences, Emerald Management Review, The Informed Librarian, Information Science and Technology Abstract (ISTA), INSPEC, International Academic Research Library, ISI Alerting Services, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Abstract, Library and Information Science Abstracts, Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts, ProQuest Research Library, Science Citation Index Expanded/SciSearch, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, TOC Premier.
Thomson Reuters ISI Impact factor: 0.444
Harzing’s Publish Index: 20

36. Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, Fariz Zuhairi Mohamed, Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud & Normah Omar.
Title: Multiple intelligences educational courseware.
Proceeding: College Teaching & Learning Conference (TLC).
Year: 18-20 June 2008.
Venue: Rothenberg, Germany.
Organiser: Clute Institute of Academic Research, USA.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 3

37. Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, Dr Marthandan G, Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud & Prof. Dr Normah Omar.
Title: E-commerce and value creation: Empirical evidence in Malaysian tourism sector.
Proceeding: European Applied Business Research (EABR).
Year: 18-20 June 2008.
Venue: Rothenberg, Germany.
Organiser: Clute Institute of Academic Research, USA.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 3

38. Zulkifli Mohamed, Basaruddin Shah Basri & Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud.
Title: Portfolio diversification in the Malaysian stock.
Proceeding: European Applied Business Research (EABR).
Year: 18-20 June 2008.
Venue: Rothenberg, Germany.
Organiser: Clute Institute of Academic Research, USA.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 3

39. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed & Prof. Dr Faridah Hassan.
Title: Perceived resistance, user resistance and manager’s performance.
Proceeding: European Applied Business Research (EABR).
Year: 18-20 June 2008.
Venue: Rothenberg, Germany.
Organiser: Clute Institute of Academic Research, USA.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 3

40. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Dr Chong Siong Choy, Azizah Aris, Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed, Rafidah Kamaruddin & Ruhana Zainuddin.
Title: The effect of student's backgrounds and attitudes on computer skills in Malaysia.
Journal: International Journal of Management in Education, 1(4), 371-389.
Year: 2007.
Publisher: Inderscience, Switzerland.
Abstracting and Indexing: Business ASAP International, Google Scholar, Scirus.
Harzing’s Publish Index: 1

41. Associate Prof. Dr Ahmad Zaki Abdul Latiff, Che Zuina Ismail & Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud.
Title: Waqaf management and educational development.
Proceeding: 1st National Waqaf Conference
Year: 1-2 September 2006.
Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Organiser: Prime Minister Department, Malaysia.

42. Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Jaafar Mohamad & Zulkifli Mohamed.
Title: Study Guide to Portfolio Management.
Year: 2005.
Publisher: University Publication Centre (UPENA), Selangor.
ISBN: 967-958-198-5.

43. Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed & Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud.
Title: Computer based system and security controls over accounting information.
Proceeding: Conference on Scientific and Social Research (CSSR).
Year: 2005
Venue: Terengganu, Malaysia.
Organiser: Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia.

44. Associate Prof. Dr Ahmad Zaki Abdul Latiff, Associate Prof. Abdul Halim Ramli, Che Zuina Ismail, Kamarulzaman Sulaiman, & Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud.
Title: Waqaf management and economic potential.
Proceeding: Seminar in Economy and Finance.
Year: 2005.
Venue: Selangor, Malaysia.
Organiser: Universiti Utara Malaysia.

45. Azizah Aris, Rohana Zainuddin, Rafidah Kamaruddin & Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud.
Title: A study of students; background and attitudes towards computer skills in the selected secondary schools in Segamat, Johor.
Proceeding: Conference on Scientific and Social Research
Year: 2005.
Venue: Selangor, Malaysia.
Organiser: Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Year: 2004.
Venue: Sarawak, Malaysia.
Organiser: Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia.

46. Dr Intan Salwani Mohamed & Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud.
Title: Computer based system and security controls over accounting information.
Proceeding: National Research Findings Seminar.
Year: 2004.
Venue: Melaka, Malaysia.
Organiser: Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor.

47. Azizah Aris, Rohana Zainuddin, Rafidah Kamaruddin & Associate Prof. Dr Norzaidi Mohd Daud.
Title: A study of students; background and attitudes towards computer skills in the selected secondary schools in Segamat, Johor.
Proceeding: Conference on National Research Findings.
Year: 2004.
Venue: Melaka, Malaysia.
Organiser: Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor.

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